A reel whirs, a rod whips. Line unravels and retracts. A trout sizes up a Copper John, chomps down and fights for its life. All is well as the angler carefully removes the hook, salutes the fish’s speckled beauty and releases it back to the river.
Fly-fishing is cyclical well beyond catch and release practices. To enjoy this diversion for decades to come, anglers must support the stewardship of streams, oceans, lakes and rivers.
Fishpond’s latest line, Cyclepond, is quite literally the net result of an angler’s desire for both quality and sustainability. Commercial fishing nets, either recycled or discarded by large-scale operations, are woven into the nylon fabric of this Fishpond gear.
Active Junky put this Cyclepond equipment to the test, looking for quality to match the sustainable mindset behind the line.
After months of lugging the duffle from river to stream and home again, testers offered two suggestions; 1) a separate boot compartment would be ideal and b) rod straps 1” longer would improve functionality. Minor tweaks aside, Yellowstone is a tremendous addition to the angler’s arsenal, especially considering the sustainable nature of the burly nylon fabric.
Best For: Packing for fishing trips, keeping your gear dry
Best For: Summer days, carrying 1-2 fly boxes and 2 beers
Though not part of the Cyclepond collection, these three Fishpond accessories bring convenience to streambeds and banks.
Best For: Investing in a quality blade
Don’t let your clippers sink into the muck of a beaver pond. Snap the Swivel Retractor onto vest or pack, trusting the locking mechanism won’t fail and pop off. Unlike cheaper, cord-based models, the coil is virtually impossible to tangle yet quickly snaps back into place.
Best For: Pairing with the Barracuda Clipper for reliable retraction
Complementing the Cyclepond collection, Piopod aims to keep our rivers clean. A tiny trashcan that loops onto lanyards or sits in the beer holder of your lumbar pack, the Piopod collects line and tippet through a triangular opening designed to keep trash from escaping.
Best For: Collecting stray line, snipped tippet