An ill-fated mountain biker makes a walk of shame back to the trailhead. A well-prepared one analyzes the popped tube or broken chain, makes a trail repair and pedals onward.
Whether novice or seasoned rider, simple knowledge combined with a strategic cache of tools prevents you from pedestrian status. This stash of ten trail tools, though seemingly excessive, is what the spin doctor ordered.
An Active Junky-Approved trail repair kit includes 10 essential items:
Must have: 2,2.5,4,5,6,8mm Allen keys, T25 Torx, Flathead, Chain tool, Spoke Wrenches.
This is numero uno for a reason. From minor tweaks to bigger repairs, this multi-tool is the equivalent of a knife to a chef – everything starts here.
Patch kits and spares are no use without a means to reinflate. Go CO2 if riding tubeless.
Simple enough, a spare tube is handy when a patch won’t cut it or you’re working against the clock.
When tubes continually fail, turn to these weight- and space-saving patches as backwoods Band-Aids.
From repairing torn tires to buttressing a sagging saddlebag, zip ties are strong, cheap, lightweight and effective.
Broken cable? Get home with bailing wire. Like zip ties, this is a versatile addition to your repair kit.
A lighter heats up the glue in your patch kit to seal a popped tube more quickly. Be careful; too long and your goose is cooked.
Come broken chain time, you’ll be stoked with this singletrack savior in your kit.
Strong, versatile and cheap—another must-have.
Busted cables don’t shift; smart bikers carry a spare.
Familiarize yourself with each and every one, through online tutorials or – even better – your local shop’s techs.