My Trail Company Backpack Light 50L


My Trail Company may not be a brand you’re familiar with, but their growing line of outdoor gear is innovative and functional, including the 50L Backpack Light. Its simple design is deceptively high performing and it held its own on hot days. Though it wouldn’t be our first choice for most backpacking trips, minimalists may find its space and light weight attractive.

Pros: At just over 2 pounds, this is the lightest backpack in this review, and could be a great light and fast pack with its 50-liter volume. The Dyneema threads it’s made from are three times stronger than Kevlar, so this lightweight backpack should hold up to years of abuse. The hip belt pockets are some of the largest we’ve seen, which is always a nice bonus, and the air mesh lining on the straps and back helped keep testers cool.

Cons: Beside the hip belt pockets, there are only the two main compartment areas, and neither offer much in the way of organization. And while there are two mesh water bottle pockets, there’s no additional exterior storage or stuff pocket, especially where this roll-top model is lacking a brain.

Tester Comments: “This thing weighs nothing! While a brain-free design always catches me off guard, the roll-top design makes it easier to pack it down when there’s less in this backpack. The hip belt pockets are my favorite I’ve seen on any other backpack—they’re actually large enough to fit my cell phone, case and all. And the hidden mesh pouch in each is a nice touch!”

Bottom Line: The Backpack Light 50L is an extremely simple pack, without all the bells and whistles you’ll find on similar sized bags, but also at about half the cost.

Best for: Day hikes, summit pursuits, minimalist backpacking

Key Attribute: Durability

Tech Specs

Key Features:

  • Air mesh lining on back panel, hip belt, and shoulder straps
  • Adjustable stretch sternum strap with reflective tab and emergency whistle
  • Internal stretch mesh hydration sleeve with gravity hook and twin hydration ports
  • Haul loop

Size: 2lb 1.5oz

Material: Dyneema® threads are 3x stronger than Kevlar and 15x stronger than steel

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