With autumn comes a veritable avalanche of ski movie premieres. While we’re stoked to see the latest flicks, there are some ski movies that we can – and do – watch over and over again. Make some popcorn, wax your skis and get comfortable; here are 12 of the best ski and snowboard movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime in 2017. And don’t forget to sign up for Active Junky for the best deals and cashback on your gear purchases.
Always circulating its video selection, Netflix's fall 2017 shred flix selection focuses on the most decorated and revered big mountain snowboarder of all time, Jeremy Jones. He has left his fair share of fresh tracks down all manner of big walls, hairy spines, and unnamed peaks. Some of his greatest tracks and travels are captured in his trilogy of snowboard films: Deeper (2010), Further (2012) and Higher (2014), all currently included in your Netflix subscription.
Deeper brought splitboarding to the snowboarding mainstream—and big screen—unlike any of its predecessors. Without relying on helicopters or snowmobiles, Deeper chronicles the ups and downs of human-powered exploration. Spoiler alert: there’s plenty of pow.
Further takes the splitboard adventures of Jeremy Jones & Co – you guessed it – even further. From the powder-laden dreamscapes of Japan to the barren yet bountiful (depending on what you’re looking for) Arctic Circle, Further is in contention for best flick of the trilogy.
Summits of high consequence (and high elevation) are the theme in Higher. Most notable, a first descent in the Himalayas so sketchy that it would make your local ski patroller break down into tears.
As of October 2017, Amazon has a much wider range of shred flicks than Netflix. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you might want to consider subscribing to the service. Some of these ski movies are available for free, others need to be purchased or rented from Amazon, but you can do so online.
Pro Tip: Subscribing to a 7-day trial to Outside TV or Echoboom Sports will allow you to watch many of these films for free—as long as you cancel the service before the week is up. Looks like you might just have to watch as many ski and snowboard movies as possible in a 7-day stretch!
This documentary is part snowboard flick, part Kevin Pearce biography, part making the case for the widespread use of helmets. It puts pro snowboarder Kevin Pearce’s heart-wrenching story on display in an effort to raise awareness for brain injuries, and to remind us that even the most seemingly invincible are susceptible to the ruthless randomness of circumstance. Definitely not your run-of-the-mill ski porn, but rather a soulful feature-length documentary tied together by the common thread of shred.
Stream It: Free with a 7-day HBO Trial
Keep it tight, but also, you know, keep it a little loose, too. Tight Loose isn’t so much a contradiction as it is a way of life—and the mantra behind the last year’s Teton Gravity Research film. The TGR crew keeps it tighter (and looser) than ever before in their 21st anniversary release, with notable performances from big mountain killers Angel Collinson and Dash Longe making the TGR film a modern day classic and a definite must-watch.
Stream It: Free with a 7-day Outside TV Trial
Freeski legend, perpetually-smiling pioneer, a friend to all and an inspiration to many: It’s hard to pin down the mythical aura that surrounds Shane McConkey—but the McConkey film takes a crack at it. High-octane action is juxtaposed against inspiring sound bites and emotional behind-the-scenes footage; this documentary has much more heart and soul than your average ski film.
Stream It: For Rent on Amazon for $4.99
Undoubtedly one of the most insane, high-budget and electrifying movies in the history of shred, The Art of Flight is a must-watch for anyone with a Netflix account and a penchant for adrenaline-inducing activities. Starring Wyoming’s very own Travis Rice and a slew of talented riders (Nicolas Muller, John Jackson and Pat Moore, to name a few), what makes TAOF such a ground-breaking film is not only the caliber of the snowboarding, but that of the cinematography as well. Be sure to watch on a big screen, that laptop won’t do it justice.
Stream It: For Rent on Amazon for $3.99
A refreshing (and slightly psychedelic) take on the ski movie, Valhalla is a creatively thought-out, almost mythical movie about the joy and journey of a curious skier in search of something more. From the Sweetgrass Productions crew (you know, the guys who brought you the notorious Afterglow), Valhalla is a surreal ski movie that could have convinced Salvador Dali to move to the Swiss Alps and trade paint brushes for ski poles.
Stream It: Free with a 7-day Outside TV Trial
The skiing in Blizzard of Aahhh’s is underwhelming by today’s unfathomably high standards. But spin the clock back to 1988, when Glen Plake and Scott Schmidt were young guns instead of venerated legends, when skis were regularly longer than 200 centimeters and straight as yardsticks, and this film was groundbreaking. If nothing else, Blizzard of Aahhh’s is a history lesson—not to mention a fashion lesson if you’re trying to rock some neon on the slopes this year.
Stream It: Included with Prime
Volcom celebrates decades of dedication to the plank in True to This. A brand built around boardsports, Volcom knows that “skateboarder” may transform into “snowboarder” when seasons change or “surfer” when swell hits. Such classification is almost arbitrary. What’s important is a common passion, that shared fire for arching turns and boosting air. In True to This, Volcom captures the fluidity that exists between the realms of surf, skate and snow. An explosive roster of athletes makes this frill-free multi-sport movie worth putting on repeat.
Stream It: Free with a 7-day Outside TV Trial
If you’re looking for action, look no further. Natural talent Jake Blauvelt commands the main role in Naturally, though a cast of phenomenal snowboarders supports the Washington rider’s shred-heavy flick. A shoulder injury adds an underlying storyline about redemption, but this film is all about the snowboarding, pure and simple.
Stream It: Free with a 7-day Echoboom Sports Trial