Sounds wild but yet ginger is part of the same plant family as cardamom and turmeric. With unclear origins, this plant only grows when cultivated; India is among the largest producers. The candied version dates back centuries.
Others Who Agree: A 2005 study in “Obstetrics and Gynecology” found ginger stepped in to minimize nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (a great test, we think). A Thai medical journal tagged it in 2007 as comparable in motion sickness relief to Dramamine.
Our Recommendation: Purchase 4-6oz and give it a try unless the sugar is a problem. Keep stored in a zip-closure bag out of sunlight and high temps that dry it to a less-desirable state. Learn more about living healthy, well and energized by clicking here (AJ MEMBERSHIP MODAL LINK)
Ah, sweet nectar that’s been romanticized back to Egyptian times. Despite recent setbacks in the U.S. bee population, the goodness still flows in a stunning array of forms and flavors; honey takes on the distinctive character of an area’s plants.
Others Who Agree: Norwegian studies affirm the topical healing properties. WebMD posts instructions for employing honey on wounds. Surface application has been known to help ulcers heal. Eating honey delivers energy at a documented 17g of carbs per tablespoon.
Our Recommendation: Learn more about honey and its dietary implications. Carry a small packet on an upcoming trip in case of minor cuts or abrasions. Make your sweet life even sweeter in 2015.
Unless you inhabit the Amazon Basin, many of the world’s medicinal plants remain out of reach in their natural form. Active Junky’s enthused about employing ancient knowledge and living plants to make life healthier.
Others Who Agree: PREVENTION Magazine’s grown to love the plant, featuring 10 uses that include naturally removing make-up. MindBodyGreen cites the over 75 nutrients in the Egyptian “immortality plant” as beneficial. Few natural healing or mainstream medical sources argue against it.
Our Recommendation: Start experimenting with the plant, purchasing a small potted aloe from a local nursery for under $10. Buy and use a high-quality lotion for more portable use this spring and summer.