Redbull’s been digging through old Rampage footage. Like prospectors sifting through Utah’s red dirt for gems, they’ve pulled together some of Rampage’s greatest moments. These two videos display the highs and lows from over the years:
It’s crazy to see the progression from 2001 to 2014. Back in the day, launching an untouched cliff could lock you a spot on the podium. Nowadays, if you aren’t dropping a huge 360 or backflipping off one of the kickers, there’s no chance. Not only that, but you can see the progression from the technological standpoint: today’s GoPro shots are hilariously sharper than the bulky video rigs that dotted the course a decade prior.
There’s no doubt: Rampage pushes the limits of these riders every year. These crashes make you cringe, rewind, then cringe again. Behind every successful run, there are a few of these terrifying diggers.