When Campgrounds are closed we all start missing the outdoors. Luckily we’ve teamed up with Cabela’s to provide you some great gear for getting the most out of your backyard and setting up camp right at home.
Hammocks are the ultimate tool in relaxation. If you are stuck at home and looking for a little detox and relaxation, string the ENO DoubleNest up between a couple of trees and sink into the soft nylon either solo or with a cuddle buddy. These hammocks are known for their portability and packability, so once stay at home orders are lifted in your area you can take your new hammock into the woods and enjoy it in its intended environment.
The classic game of cornhole is seen in backyards across the country. Its the ultimate backyard game that can help hours go by in the blink of an eye. This board set from Wild Sports is unbranded so you can get creative and paint your own design onto the boards and make them uniquely yours. Featuring tournament-grade construction and including 8 bags, you’ll be ready to play right out of the box.
Looking for a place to hide from the hot summer sun? This screen house makes it possible to enjoy your time outside for many more hours rather than retreating back inside once the day heats up. With mesh on all four sides, air moves through the structure keeping you cool. A waterproof roof keeps you dry if the weather takes a turn for the worse and strong steel poles and stakes keep your shelter upright. This tent can be great for warm weather camping in the backyard and can easily become a stellar addition to basecamp as a camp kitchen or hangout area when you take your camping back into the woods.
When you’ve got a set up like this you have to keep the party going all night. That’s where these string lights from Goal Zero come in. Hang them from your tent, or string them between some trees, whatever you choose these are sure to add some ambiance to your home camp set up. 4 chainable lights give you great coverage to light up your hangout or camp area. Choose from a variety of shade colors and get your camp leveled up.